Registered Helper
Book easily and conveniently!
Helpers with a location-based rating of 4.5 or higher will be automatically selected.
On-site therapist service
Communicate directly with a reliable professional therapist with many years of experience!
Baby care service
Communicate directly with a reliable, professional babysitter with many years of experience!
On-site helper service
We provide on-site baby care and therapist services throughout the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand.
Booking is free!
Please pay the service fee directly to the helper!

Thoroughly verified helper management and department-specific managers double-check to provide the service.

We provide location-based calling service, automatic translation service during chat, and advance reservation service to make it easier and more convenient to use..
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How to use HelperPass
Automatic translation feature
An automatic translation function is provided when chatting with a helper, making communication easy and convenient.
Book a therapist near me
Automatically select and book therapists with a rating of 4.5 or higher in your area based on location.
Book a Babysitter Service
When you make a reservation, you will automatically be connected with a babysitter with a rating of 4.5 or higher.
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Use HelperPass
Proven professional therapists and babysitters are waiting for your contact.